I was digging around in my photo archives today when I found these images from our Dutch Masters Class that took place this past spring. I know it has been a while since we've updated, please forgive us!
Nicolette and I have a few ideas about new ways of teaching. We're not ready to release anything just yet - but in the meantime, here is a tease of classes coming out for the end of 2012 and 2013...
-September 9th at the New York Botanical Garden; Sign up starts Monday on their website.
-November we're traveling to Tacoma for the ASCFG conference and might throw a class together in Seattle or Portland...
-December we're going to Australia to teach
-January we'll be back in the city with a winter class
-February we'll make our second annual Valentine pop up shop...somewhere.
-This Spring we'll be on the west coast for our annual California tour
So there it is, our wish-list. We will try our hardest to make all these happen. There's a lot on both our plates right now but teaching with the Little Flower School is the one thing we do collaboratively and it's too much fun to let slide...plus I like the snacks.